22 August 2019

New apartments, Design school, etc.

Hey, let's have a chat! (And I mean, me talking to a screen. Lol!)

I had this entry drafted since February! What was supposed to be just an update about my new apartment is now going to be almost a year's worth of update (as if anyone really needs an update about me. Haha!). So yeah, I had been busy with work and uni (When I got a sliver of free time, let's be real, I'm on Netflix. Or -- my new obsession -- BBC and SBS. Haha!).

Yes, you read that right, I am back to uni again. I currently study part-time at Whitehouse, doing my fashion design degree. I am finally doing it! Yayyyy! And I am loving it!

I remember feeling excited and nervous during my first day. It was all new to me. I believe I am creative enough but when we had the very first brainstorming activity for our design process journal, I felt that I was overthinking it instead of just letting those creative juices naturally flow. Or was I just rusty -- creatively speaking? And the next thoughts in my head were, "Omg, do I really have what it takes?," "Will I be good enough?" Then, I overwhelmed myself even more because I visualised internships, exchange student applications, student contests, etc. I was just getting ahead of myself. I eventually calmed myself down and psyched myself to just take it one day and one thing at a time and do my damn best.

So far, I think I am doing well. I am learning new knowledge and honing something I never knew was in me (I draw more decently now! Haha! And I paint now, too! I took a Fashion Illustration class back in Manila years ago. Ugh, I hated using paint and brushes because they are not erasable and harder to manipulate but now I don't mind at all), which is really exciting.

I met new people (Truth be told, I didn't think I'll be hanging out with teenagers. I initially did not really want to because, hello, generation gap? Hahaha! And I'm not in uni that often so I was like, why bother?). I got good grades (not sure about the 2nd term though but whatevs -- okay, not super whatevs, I need good grades if I want to apply for exchange student program so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's not too bad!). It can get a bit stressful working and studying at the same time. There are days when I just want to relax when I get home from work or during weekends but no, I still have assessments to do. Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do!

Going back to uni is also the reason why I resigned from my other job as well.

I received these flowers and art books, among other things, back in February as a farewell and good luck gift from my now former colleagues. It was an emotional day. It was my longest job ever - 5-year mark supposedly the month after that. It was my first job since I moved to Sydney. I was still a student when they hired me. There was a reason why I stayed there for that long -- my super chill and kind boss and the amazing staff I work with. I once said (even my Mom said so) that I will never leave that place and if I do, it will be because I'll be pursuing a dream. And that day came. It was hard because I have to give up something dear to me. We shared too many memories together. We were like a family. It was bittersweet indeed but I sincerely felt the support and love. So, I will really do my best to make, apart from myself, them proud and to make it all worth it.

And while we are talking about pursuing dreams, a few months ago, I had a dream about me giving birth. I freaked out because I remembered it vividly the next day. Hence, in true Jana fashion, I turned to Google to help me look for its meaning if there is. Here's what I found:

Eerily amazing and apt, isn't it?

Another life adjustment that I did was moving out of the flat I shared with my friend for almost 4 years.

I moved mainly for convenience and space. The flat I moved in to was near my current workplace, just 10 minutes of commute. The space I need is for my future school projects. I need to have my own little studio/work area. I loved this flat (which, apparently, came with a good-looking and very nice neighbour whom I met over dinner they invited me to during my first night. Yaaasss!) and I am enjoying my own company!

My former landlord and brother helped me to move. It took me a week to finish unpacking and arranging the place. Since my workmates knew I moved and that I need stuff for my apartment that will fit my budget, they introduced me to Facebook Marketplace. Man, that section of the internet got me hooked, I tell you. I barely open my account but it made me access it just for that. Whenever I get a spare time at work, I kept checking it. I eventually bought my very first purchase in Marketplace -- my current fridge!

I had the specific dimensions that I wanted, a specific colour in mind and a strict limit to how much I am willing to spend. Three weeks later, I eventually found the perfect fridge, went to the owner's place to inspect it and paid her on the spot! She even knew someone who can pick it up and deliver it to my place the next day. It was a meant-to-be purchase. Haha! It took me three weeks of going back and forth to the shops to buy the most essential things I need, to fill my pantry and new fridge.

Then, 6 months later, I moved to another flat again. I was told that they will not renew my lease as a relative will be moving into that place. Omg, I was so stressed out because I needed to find a new place to live in and fits my budget within a month. I barely had time to look for and inspect rental units and to pack my junk all over again! I was also in the middle of the term in uni. I have to hire a mover and pay the bond. Ack! Not to mention, I felt at home already (Once or twice, I may have walked naked in my hallway. Haha!). I just had my flat-warming (if there is such a term? Haha!) a month prior. My family has visited before that and liked the place. When I found the one (and only one!) that ticks my non-negotiable requirements, I was practically begging the real estate agent to approve my application (not that she has a say on that really because she isn't the landlord! Haha!)

Boy was I over the moon when I found out my application was approved! I moved into this new place three weeks ago. Half of my things are already unpacked and properly placed. Half of them are just properly placed in a corner because I still need furniture to place them at. My mattress was also delivered a few days ago, still waiting for my base. It will take me quite a while to finish decorating my place since I'm currently living on a student budget and my bills take priority over my furniture. But we'll get there. I'm also planning to have another flat-warming next weekend! Yay!

Okay, this is getting way too long. Let's continue the chat in a different entry?

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