04 January 2019

Reflections on 2018

Toxic people.
That was the highlight of my previous year. Or at least that's the first thing that came to my mind. It even trumped my new experiences from that year, I suppose. That was how shitty it was.

I mentioned in my previous year-end post that most of my 2018 were about letting go -- letting go of people who did not turn out to be the kind of person I thought they would be (In hindsight, I knew but I decided to still give it a try. Maybe they became mature enough. They weren't. I have never met anyone as fake, as shallow, as pretentious and as pathetic as them. It makes me wonder why did I even bother?), people who tried to ruined my morale and treated me like crap (I will not elaborate on this. Let's just simply say that work politics never gets old. It was all for the better in the end. I got another job with a better environment with a waaaayyyy better manager! I miss my former patients and colleagues though.). Who deserves those in their life, right? I have a lot and more reliable people in my life, people who appreciate my value as a friend, as a colleague and as a person.

Ah yes, more drama and disappointments.
But wait, there's more. Other than mentioned above. Petty arguments that were blown out of proportion. The immaturity of some people. The dishonesty. The deliberate concealment of things. How and why did we get here? I thought we were way better than this. I thought, at our age, we should be way past this crap. Well, that's what I thought. I guess that's what happens when you expect more from people.

New places.
There is an exhilaration associated with new places and/or new adventures, which is why I decided to spend my birthday by traveling. I celebrated my birthday in Baltics, Berlin, and Bali. It was my first time to visit those places as well so that was extra memorable. I loved my Europe trip. There was an overflow of history and culture, which I loved and expected from visiting Europe. I also met new people along the journey. It is always a pleasure to meet someone so random, especially, if you click right away.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed Bali. I hear a lot of crazy news about Bali here in Australia so when I went there, I mentally prepared myself for the worst case scenario. I was totally wrong. I loved it there. I loved the chill vibe, the food. The beach was nothing special, really. I had seen better but I think the whole island life vibe is what makes people come back. I think it would be my go-to place if I want to go for a quick getaway.

Isla de Gigantes was my first trip of 2018. I went there with my family. It was also gorgeous there. Peaceful. It reminded me how beautiful the Philippines is. I like that it is not as commercialised as other islands/beaches in the Philippines. I hope it remains as it is.

New and better job. Moving out. Design school.
It gets worse before it becomes better, isn't it? What happened with my previous job was apparently a sign and a push. After that incident, things unfolded on its own and eventually fell into their right places. Like it was what was really meant to happen. My new boss is supportive of my plans and she's more than willing to work with my schedule in school. That is very crucial for me - my reality (aka bills to pay, haha!) and dream have to mesh perfectly to make this really work. I found an apartment near my new work and has enough space that I need. The few surprises just before the year ended was a taste of how my 2019 would start and would be. I think these were my achievements for 2018.

Reconnected with my bestfriend.
We went through a rough patch. Generally speaking, we grew apart. However, time has a way of working things out on its own.

Reconnected with other friends.
During my last visit to the Philippines, apart from the usual people I meet up with, I also met up with people I don't usually see or talk to as often. It was a lovely time. I'm glad to know that I have people in my life that even though I don't see or talk to as often, they are still there. We easily picked up from where we left off. Our bond is still there.

Brought back the fringe.
Physically, that was (and still is) my only new feature. Haha!

Less reading and writing than I intended to.
Two of the things that did not go to plan. The rest are probably too minor that I couldn't even remember what they were. Some resolved eventually on it its own or took a better course, as mentioned earlier.

I noticed that I am nicer now (Yay? Hahaha!) especially to people who are foul to me. So far, my gut instinct never fails. I'm good at what I do, I suppose? (as evidenced by my previous colleagues and patients wanting me back and my new boss and new colleagues wanting me to work for and with them) Considering moving to Copenhagen after school. I learned what my love language is! Home shopping could be my new hobby. Newest pet peeve: Someone browses their social media accounts in the middle of group conversation. (Is that some form of a reflex now when you're bored or have nothing to contribute to the conversation?)
Some of the things I realised or learned about myself the past year.

And what now? What's for this year?
Well, I am going to have my eyes lasered. Yay! Gee, I'm excited and a little bit nervous at the same time. I've always worn eyeglasses since 3rd grade. I will probably feel like a new person after the procedure. I want to travel alone again this year. Maybe to Tasmania. Or another South East Asian country. I really want to go to New York also but I don't think I'll be going there by myself though. I hope I do well in school and manage my time accordingly between school and work obligations. I would really like to have a more productive alone time. I want to visit museums and libraries and watch movies in a cinema more often. Go for a walk or hike. Listen to more podcasts. I intend to write and read more and not just drown myself in Netflix. Haha! I bookmarked some writing prompts to help me keep going because I've been saying for the past two years that I'll get back to writing but I can't seem to follow through. I will write here and there at the beginning of the year and dwindle down to nothing, not even a single sentence, by the end. My notebook/blog will be totally forgotten by the middle of the year. Here's to hoping that the prompts will help. I don't care even if I have to write about the most basic topic like my favourite colour or fruit. I just want this to be my form of therapy again. It helps me to clear and to understand both my heart and head. While I was packing my books, I realised how much unread books I have on my shelf! It's embarrassing. Apart from reading and writing, my exercise regime was also forgotten. So I intend to bring more movement back to my days. I also want to do something new. I don't know what exactly though. Maybe something crafty? I'm also thinking of keeping my hair in its natural colour? I don't know why I have to include that. Haha! I've been growing out my previous hair colour anyway. Well, how about deactivating my Facebook account? Since 2015 or 2016, I'd been kind of inactive because too much shit is going on in there. At least in my news feed (It's called news feed, right?). I tried unfollowing some people and pages but I don't really find it as enjoyable as before. Seeing my feed sometimes makes me cranky even. Mostly because of news. There are days when I just want to pretend that I do not know and I do not care what the hell is going on elsewhere. I am just keeping it for virtual connection purposes, really. Speaking of social media, I will continue my seasonal relationship with social media. This is not me social media-detoxing. I just have those days when I can't even be bothered to open my accounts (and I am still alive. Haha!). There are also days when I am in the mood to post (a lot) or be a like-slut. I even manage to be completely off-the-grid for a day. Give me books or series to binge on and I can survive without it even longer. Oh, I need to buy furniture and to decorate and organise my flat! I probably need to declutter my things as well. Maybe I can sell some of my barely used items? Since I will be earning slightly less and spending more (maybe) for school and I also want to travel in between, I need to organise and review my finances and tweak my budget planner. Save up, woman, I am begging you. Haha!

This year will be full-on but do not forget to live a little. Say yes, if and when you can.

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