30 June 2010

Moving forward! :)

29 June 2010 -- one of the most disappointing and depressing days of my life! It was the judgment day of one of the careers I ever wanted.

Well, I've been down for days lately and I'm hating it. I have 'grieved' enough over my life's recent disappointments already. And placing my self stagnant in that feeling will be too much already. Being overly depressed over things I can no longer change is so not my thing (Well, exception to heart issues, I believe. It's a dfferent case. Haha!) and will never be part of my options in life so instead, I AM MOVING FORWARD! :) I have been too confused as well with what am I gonna do next but I have thought about it already and I tell you, this will be a start of something new, another plan unfolding. :)

Since The Medical City didn't want me, I will not insist myself on them. I'll give myself a break and jump onto other options that are laid out in front of me. If I can't be an OR Nurse right away as I would have wanted, I'll try my luck in Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center. I'll extend my training there while I process my papers for application. :) As for my US Board exams, I have to take it as soon as possible. But - BUT - that does not mean I will back down on The Medical City, I'll retake my test on December, you wait for me! I'll come back with vengeance! HAHAHA!

This was the number two on my list that I was referring to in my former entry. Well, it had already been settled (see entry), at least for me. I'm leaving him behind me and move forward to whoever target I lay my eyes on. Hahaha! That's it. That's FINAL! I may love him still but I won't look back anymore. I won't gain anything from looking back. :)

I won't give up on you either. I'm creating ways so you and I can be a little closer. Just give me time to prepare myself and save up somehow for my tuition so you and I can live happily ever after! :) You cost almost half a million, you know! Haha!

So there. So far, that's how my life's gonna start from now on. Wish me luck people! :)
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