21 January 2010

Me, in an excerpt.

-->... Experiences in my life for the past 21 years that I am living in this world made me stronger and wiser. I know it was nothing compared to other people’s experiences but it helped me mature little by little. It helped me to become a better person and it will help me overcome more trials ahead of me. I know I had only seen a tiny part of this world, of this reality. Once I get out there into the “real world”, the “real reality” and the “real life” are there waiting for me. I know that something great is laid for me somewhere along my journey. I am not the best daughter there is. I may not be the best friend one can ever have. I wasn’t the smartest student. I am not an entirely good person and I am not the worst person either. But I know and I can definitely attest that I am somebody and I can be a better somebody. I am a girl whose superficiality should be looked past upon. I am a girl whose capabilities should never be underestimated. And I am a girl who proved and is still proving that I am better than what everyone initially judged me of, that I am more that what meets the eye and that I can go beyond what is expected of me.
- submitted together with my resume and credentials for NCMH. :)
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