16 June 2012

Saturday Favorites 021

This week is like an adjustment period yet again.

Aside from finishing the book that I am reading, all I ever did was refresh my memory of drug computations and infusions and assessment stuff, took mental notes of how the setup works in my new workplace, met a semi-hot councilor of Bulacan (Haha!) and sleep, sleep, sleep inside the train or jeepney or while watching TV at the couch (this time schedule is kind of new to my body clock and the workplace is slightly far so time adjustments really have to be made). Meanwhile, I got to know my workmates a tad, super tad, better. I kind of predicted who among them whom I think I can really get along with. Hehe.

My week was about to end though when I got a news that my friend's mom died on Thursday night due to cancer. My friends and I will attend her wake tomorrow afternoon. Good heavens, I don't know what am I going to do when I lose my own mother. The idea is just unbearable to even comprehend. I'm praying for her mom's soul that she may rest in peace, and her family as well, that they can slowly accept things and move on with this tragic loss.

On lighter side of things, I'll share with you a random video that I discovered.

This video is a quirky idea. They used shoes and did animation on them rather than use the usual graphics and all that usual stuff. The message of the video is the real catch here. Being your own self and being proud of your individuality is an all-year, all-seasoned advice. This is a reminder that we need to remember if not everyday but all the time. As cliche as it sounds, but there really is no other way to express yourself, to succeed at your own game, to do your own thing but to be just you. It's a constant reminder for all of us who might have been caught up with all the stereotyping of everyone around us, who might have chosen to conform as to not attract any form of stressful comments, who might have drowned by pretending someone they are not or who might have just lost themselves in this crazy, beautiful world. It's a simple reminder that will affect our entire personality, aura and it will subtly speak of our confidence, of how we present ourselves to the world and how we will make our own mark in this world. :)
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