25 May 2011

DIY: Denim cut-offs

I have finally decided to cut-off my favorite bootleg denim jeans.

I love this jeans because of its color and fit. I haven't worn this pair for so long because as years went by, it started to be tight that I'm going to have thrombophlebitis; I can't bend my knees for too long when I'm wearing it. But it sure fitted nice and good at my behind compared before! Hee. :D Though I haven't worn them that much since I graduated from high school (but I think I wore them once in college since I ran out jeans to wear), I didn't want to cut them off and turn it into a denim shorts or denim bag. I love this jeans so much that I asked my mom to embellish it with beads back then, which by the way looks tacky now. Haha.

I wore my denim jeans-now-denim shorts to Maroon 5's concert. I'm thinking of putting lace as an overlay on its back pocket, just to jazz it up a bit. Or pearls on the piece of denim where you insert the belt in (I'm not sure how it's called). I don't know, we'll see. :)
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