01 May 2012

May Listography

5th list for 2012! :) Compared to previous lists, I think I'm going to be more busy this month. I'm actually excited!
May Listography

(As you can see, I added two more in my list that I just edited through flickr.)

May Listography2
For the past four months, I know you wonder why the task of 'Exercise' had always been a constant part of my list but has never been accomplished. I wonder that, too. Hahaha! No, don't get me wrong. I am trying. I have been walking more than I usually do. I even sometimes walk home, too! However, I don't do it everyday that's why it has never been crossed out in my list. I also want my exercise to be slightly tougher and tiring than a regular brisk walking. I am such a fail when it comes to exercise, I swear. Hahaha!

Meanwhile, here's what I accomplished from last month.

APRIL LISTOGRAPHY accomplishment
Plus, I joined a run, too!!! (Will blog about it soon)

In fairness to me, I had done two things that isn't really part of my list. And alleluia! I finally received my NY license!!! :) Thank you, Lord! :) (Will also blog about this soon)
Pero parang sort of fail pa rin no? I had been soooo frustrated with work the past month (and probably until now as I am typing this) and I was just feeling... shitty and uninspired. (Siiiigh.) :l 
Anyway, let's all hope for a good, productive month! :) *crossing my fingers*
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