06 March 2011

Portfolio progress. :)

I've already talked about this on my former entries a couple of times. A friend of mine, who is sort of my 'mentor' as well, saw my latest sketches and he complimented it in general, saying that I improved! Hee. :) And I just want to share it. See the 'improvement' that he was talking about for yourself. :)

NOTE: I'm a noob and my fashion illustration knowledge and skill are a crash course product of internet search-and-read/watch so don't expect fabulous sketches, okay? :)

This was my very first 'formal' attempt. 'Formal' means having it sketched on a sketchpad and not on a piece of scratch, learned what croquis is and the basic steps on how to do it. At this time, applying for the scholarship wasn't on my mind yet. I just wanted to learn how to draw...

But then the scholarship idea came up which required me to submit a portfolio so I'm forced to learn fashion illustration now and fast and be good in it (Good luck with that. Haha.)! Here's my second attempt in sketching...

My friend commented on those and gave me tips so I sketched another set and applied his tips. Here's the third attempt...

So what do you think? Did I really improve? :)

He reviewed my sketches just last night and told me to improve on the body contour and that I should emphasize the breast of the female, which I actually happen to forgot. Haha! To think I'm even a girl! Well, say hello to my fourth attempt! I hope it'll be all perfect this time. I'll show it here again once it's done. :) 

Anyway, I also started drawing flats, which I thought would be no sweat but boy, was I wrong! It was te-di-ous!!! Flats should show everything, the stitches, the drapes, the buttons, all the itsy bitsy tiny details. The ones you see below, I made them for almost 6 hours! Yes, six long hours! I kept redoing it because I like the outlines to be very clean. You know how I get OCD at times. I drew them by hand instead of CAD because I have no idea how CAD works and I'll save learning and using that for later on. Haha!

Oh, will I be able to finish them all just in time? I still have to color my sketches, to make the inspiration board that I plan to include in my portfolio, to learn how to perfectly draw folds, drapes, etc. Aaaaack! Jana, keep it moving, KEEP IT MOVING!!!! And I imagine Tim Gunn standing beside me and telling me, "Make it work." Haha!

Oh crap! It's already almost 5 AM in my clock! Yes, weirdly as it seems, I'm still up yet not sleepy. I haven't been up until at this time since college?? I should really hit the sacks.  Tomorrow is another day with my paper and pencil. :) Good morning world! :)

*And one more thing, forgive my snapshots. It was just random that I didn't bother to take the shots appropriately. Haha. :)*
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