14 September 2010

The Before,The During and The After of my 22! :D

07 September 2010

It all started with a list that he branded me as a loser. Hence, you can call it The Loser Bucket List.

Rizal Park

5 months ago or so, because of a wrong day to go to National Museum (because it was closed) and we have no idea where to go to next, we passed by this place and I told him I haven't been there or I just wasn't sure if I had been there EVER. So we went. He wanted to picture-document it but I was reluctant to have my picture taken there! Hell to the no. But then I decided to go back for my birthday. Yes, just to picture-document. Haha.


Simple as that, I've never rode a kalesa in my entire 22 years of existence.

MANILA, Baby! :D

Old school Choo-choo train

LRT 1, LRT 2, MRT are the only trains that I rode. I have never rode on that old school choo-choo train. Well, hindi talaga namin naabutan yung old school train that day. As in yung rusty, open windows type.

Those were just among my list. See some of it here.

With my super game, super generous (in helping me fulfill my Loser list and for tagging along as well. It was your idea anyway. HAHA!), super BFF!!! :D

Even if he was calling me a loser lately, a big thanks to him because I wouldn't have a blast if it weren't for him. He even made himself as my own photographer even though it's so dyahe to get my picture taken in those spots! Haha.

08 September 2010


His gift isn't over yet! The next morning, as he offered last month, we went to different churches to pray.

St. Jude

It was my first time to go there. Us going there was overdue by more a year and a half already. Hehe. :)

Then we went to St. Clare. Since I passed my licensure exam, I wasn't able to go back there and that day was my perfect time to go back.

Next, we went to the church where I was baptized, San Loreto Church. Perfect time to go see it after 22 years.

(No picture-documenting for the last two churches though. I didn't think it was needed. Haha.)

Then we went separate ways. He went home and I met my mom to attend Mass with her and her officemates. She treated me pansit for lunch. Long life eh? Hehe. Then chikahan alongside.

I went home and played with the baby of the clan, the youngest in the family, my two-year old cousin.

Cute, isn't she? :D

10 September 2010

It really was supposed to be a birthday celebration of me and my brother because my mom didn't want to eat out. Then at the last minute, she thought of having a house blessing (My other brother, my dad and I had been staying there for freshly two weeks already). One time, big time celebration that is. The priest that my mom called was my Grandma's friend.

I invited some of my closest friends but unfortunately only 3 of them were able to attend. So there, I have two additional brothers and I now have a sister! Hahaha! They were present on the house blessing e! Haha! There was really nothing to play with in the house because majority of our things are still in Cavite so we just chilled and wi-fied in my room.

I met some of Lola's friends. My cousins and I get to spend the day together as well and we haven't done that since... I can no longer remember. Haha. And gosh, all of us had grown already! :) In the end, it was a tiring yet very good day!
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