20 August 2010

22. :)

In exactly 19 days after this day marks my 22nd birthday and as I’ve always done since my 17th or 18th birthday, here is my wishlist. No, more like, what I want to do for my birthday this year. As usual, it is a list of simple thrill stuff. All of it doesn’t have to happen and they are not written in a chronological order.
  1. Gobble at Serendra or Banchetto.
  2. Experience La Mesa Ecopark.
  3. Midnight salubong of my birthday at [see number 1]
  4. After the midnight salubong, celebrate until the morning then wait for sunrise or have breakfast.
  5. Be a kid and experience for the first time the Star City. (I KNOW! Loser much. Haha.)
  6. Experience Manila Ocean Park.
  7. Mass at St. Jude (suggested by my bestfriend and this offer was long over due: last year) for the first time. Visit St. Clare.
  8. Get a date! Be it with a random person whom I don’t totally know (like an acquaintance, not a total stranger, of course!) or with a friend whom I haven’t spent time with since I can no longer remember. :)
  9. Eat isaw in UP!!! :)
  10. Have fun at a comedy bar! :)
  11. I wish we could talk and be forgiven. Okay, I think that might be asking for too much. Well at least, I wish he would remember my birthday AND greet me. Haha.
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