13 May 2013


Dear Mother,

Words cannot describe how much you mean to me, to us. I know we are way beyond that stage wherein we cry over the petty things and we annoyingly scream for you to help us. But up to now, when everything goes wrong, you are still the one we call to first. Thank you for the constant presence and support, for seeing the best in us even if we can't actually see it for ourselves, for being our strength and for being an example on how to be strong and not to take crap from anyone, for teaching us to be our own person and to stand up for what we think is right, for instilling the moral values we need as we journey through life, for being the stage mother that you are, for all the little things you did for us (which I totally miss by the way), for giving all the push (and the little nagging alongside. Lol.) that we needed, for refusing to give us anything less than you think we deserve and for the unconditional love you have given us.


I don't know how you do it. So cheers to the most awesome woman I know. :) Happy Mother's Day, Mother!

P.S Stay away from fat. Control that diet. Don't wait up for Jam, go to law school soon! And ship the rest of my shoes, perhaps? (Lol!!!)

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